Thursday, June 30, 2011

How to Train Your...Husband?!?

**Disclaimer: I have two very loving and sweet dogs.  Neither are exceptionally well trained.  I'm not sure why I think "training" a husband would go well for me. 

We're in the middle of a home remodel and it's all going fairly well.  If the painters had actually painted the trim it would be going wonderfully, but alas they didn't and need to be scheduled to come back BEFORE the furniture is bought in two and a half weeks...but AFTER the carpet is laid this weekend (which seems a little backwards to me).  That's a topic for another blog however...

...So, seeing as how we're remodeling a house most of the furniture has been moved, sold, donated, or tossed out.   Darrin (the hubs-to-be for those of you who don't know) is living out of boxes and what's left in his garage.  Through this process I noticed two things.  First, Darrin has a LOT of papers and we may want to invest in a shredder or a BIG filing cabinet.  Second, the carpet that we're replacing used to be a wonderful cream color.  How did I discover this?  Well, when we moved his furniture out of the way beautiful squares, rectangles, and circles of cream carpet were revealed.  I had honestly thought his carpet was more of a dull brown.  So what does this lead me to realize?  That while he is a wonderful and loving man, his cleaning skills leave a lot to be desired.

At first I thought, "Oh well, at least I like to clean!" But then a little saying popped into my head: "Give a man a fish and he'll eat for a day.  Teach a man to fish and he'll eat for a lifetime."  I used a little creative license and revised it to go a little like this: "Clean up after your hubby and have a day of happiness.  Teach your hubby how to clean and have a lifetime of martial bliss."  Okay, so most of you may not value a clean house as much as I do.  And that lifetime of marital bliss will happen even if the house isn't spotless - but hey, shiny floor couldn't hurt, right?!?

So I started looking online for "tips" on how to "train" your husband.  Let me tell you, there are a few very comical sites out there!  Some sites were just hookie and I think some were actually trying to teach you how to train your husband, which I found a little disturbing, because who wants to be trained by their spouse?!  Find me anyone, male or female, who is okay with being trained like a pet and I'll send you a cookie!

Here is what this little scavenger hunt did teach me though:

1. We're different people - and thank God for that!  We both have a different way of doing things and that's a good thing.  Those differences compliment each other and will make us a stronger couple.

2. Communication is key.  I can't expect Darrin to know how I want the bathroom to look if I didn't tell him.  I can't understand why he really doesn't care how the towels should be folded if I don't listen.  So talk and listen...I think I can handle that!

3. Rewards are good!  Now I'm not saying that I should (or ever would) treat him like my dogs who get a bone out of the treat jar when they sit or stay.  But I know Darrin and I know he's going to make an effort around the house (especially if we're successful at Step 2) and he needs to know it doesn't go unnoticed and it is appreciated.  I mean, who doesn't need positive affirmation?  Even as a marriage novice something tells me little things like that will go a long way.

So there they 3 steps to train your hubby.  You've been told how successful (or rather unsuccessful) my dog training was so take them with a grain of salt!  But for me the question becomes...can I remember those three little things when I find my first pair of dirty socks on the floor???

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