Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Almost a Landlord!

Woo hoo - I think we have a renter for my house!  They verbally committed today and want to move in at the end of the month.  I can't tell you how excited I am - mainly because this the first (and only) couple I showed the place too!
I'm going to miss my living room!

I must admit, however, I am super sad to move out.  This was the first place I owned - and all by myself.  Don't get me wrong, I can't wait to start my life with Darrin, but I liked the feeling of independence and success I felt for making it on my own. 

Anyway, I wrote up a Rental Application to send tonight and wow did I feel like an obsessed stalker.  I'm pretty sure I asked every personal question I could, but I just want to make sure there are no surprises.  She's a teacher though so I'm pretty sure everything will be fine but after a CRAZY rental issue that happened with some of our employees at work I'm trying to be overly cautious!

And as if that wasn't good enough news for the day, I talked to Margarita (yes that is her name and yes it is a different Margarita than my bf from college!) today and she told me Home Depot is going to get us new flooring for free!!  For those of you who don't remember - or don't feel like scrolling down a post or two (lazy lazy readers!) - we have a little...a lot...MORE than a lot of issues with our floor.  Hearing from Home Depot was the icing on an amazing day - made only better by the fact that Darrin sold his couch tonight and got WAY WAY more than it was worth (in my opinion at least). 

Now I'm watching So You Think You Can Dance and starting to look forward to our trip to Charlotte on Friday.  Also, anyone else think Mitchell and Caitlin are all kinds of Awesome!!  I can't decide if I like them or Melanie and Marko better! 

Have any of you ever rented your house?  Was it a good experience or did it leave your wishing you hadn't?

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