Monday, September 19, 2011

Houston We Have A Problem...

...or rather we HAD a problem! 

And that problem was taking on too much and therefore neglecting my very loyal readers (yes Mom and Gram I know that's really only you, but hey I've got to make myself look good, right?)

But now the wedding is over!!  I'm officially a married women and I'm loving it.  We've been home and back in our new normal routine for a week now.  The DVR is empty (or as empty as it can be the number of shows I record), we're back to home cooked meals (bye bye 8 pounds I gained on my honeymoon), and the house is presentable again (dust bunnies be gone!).

That means I have the free time to try this whole blog thing out again.  So here goes!

I'm currently undertaking the task of decorating the house.  And by that I mean hanging things on walls!  I've started with the hallway.  I found the best picture frame at TJ Maxx or Marshall's or Home was one of those stores but they're really all the same to me.  Anyway, the frame was 7 frames all put together into one.  I got it not really thinking about how it would work and ended up loving it.  BUT that meant that I had to continue the theme through the entire hallway.  So I've spent days searching for very cool, but not expensive, frames to add to the wall.  I don't even have the pictures yet but I'm just buying and hanging the frames.  I'm up to 15 so far. 

So I get home last night and start showing everything to Darrin and he's starring at me like I have three heads - which is actually a pretty common reaction when I start showing him things I've bought!  I go through this 5 minute monologue about how excited I am to do this and how cool I hope it looks and how I can't wait to add old family pictures and our wedding photos.  After all of that I get..."But they don't match?" Now, at first I was really impressed that he even really noticed something like that - this is the kid that wore a shirt covered in dirt to run errands tonight - so I explained to him that it was meant to be unique and not match.  His response - "How many times do you think you're going to have to explain that one to people?"

Now all this makes me do is start second guessing myself.  I spent a good hour today searching sites like and the HGTV website trying to figure out if people are going to think my hallway looks interesting and good or ugly and mis-matched.  I mean, there isn't much I can at this point - the holes are in the walls and there is NO WAY I am getting out the wall patch and paint!  So for now I'm going with it...but that brings up the question -

How much say does/did your spouse/significant other have in the decorating of your house?

I'm trying out a new crock pot recipe on Wednesday...See Previous check back then for either a recipe or a warning not to try it!

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